Sims 2 No Cd Setup The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Install Problem?

The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Install Problem? - sims 2 no cd setup

Hello, I have The Sims 2 Deluxe today, and I'm back and I tried to install, and does nothing. I do not understand the automatic execution of an installation or configuration. I watched the disc, should be, and did nothing. It's essentially as if there was nothing in the unity of all. So I have a puzzle game and again he had a back problem and took it for another copy, but keeps the same happens. I looked at my memory, graphics card tried to install manually, check the support site ...
So I continued to drive and deliver, and twice the car seemed to run and asked me what language I prefer, and asked me the key code if the code is then written in the key any more. I left him alone for 30 mphUtes think I might need to give time to load, but nothing happens. Please help. Thank you.


melethan... said...

From the reception to open something, it clearly has a DVD-ROM. Many people try to install / play on PC-DVD without DVD-ROM.
What happens if you try to install manually? Each error message every time you pop-ups?

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