Robe Fishing What Should I Get My Dad For Christmas?

What should I get my Dad for Christmas? - robe fishing

He enjoys fishing and cruising on the yacht in their spare time. So far, so he told my mother, who wants a dress, a pocket knife and a few pounds, but I want to do something special, $ 100.
Please let me know what some of your thoughts about what he could afford. Thank you!


Hmmm said...

a stick

incroyab... said...

If you have to lists of things for parents. are organized by price and personality. I know that sounds lame, but it has really helped me to select gifts for my family. ...

__A_YAHO... said...

want to see my father with me ...
You can buy anything, be happy, a gift is a gift, no matter what you like to buy

VXD said...

Make a sketch of him w / a fishing rod and a fish of size!

♡Leona said...

An improvement of the penis ....

Mrs.B~♥ said...

A very nice pocket knife, a new field to fight

PGM said...

Write a nice letter saying how much she means to you.

theDude! said...

Razors are "a little ... expensivee

Stewie said...

A fish finder

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