Smoked Haddock Quiche Any Simple Cooking Suggestions For Smoked Haddock?

Any simple cooking suggestions for smoked haddock? - smoked haddock quiche

I can have two beautiful fresh fillets of haddock and I do not know how to cook that evening - all the beautiful kitchen ideas I try it?


baby isabella due april 7th said...

Smoked Haddock Omelette

Makes 2 servings

Preparation time less than 30 minutes

Cooking time of 10 to 30 minutes
Quick Recipe

Milk 300ml/10floz
Ounces of water 300ml/10fl
3 bay leaves
2 slices onion
6 black peppercorns
275g/10oz undyed smoked haddock fillets
6 eggs from hens raised free-range
20g/3/4oz butter
50 ml / 1 ¼ oz double cream
2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Mix milk with Cape 300ml/10fl ounces of water together, pour into a shallow pan and cook.
2. Add bay leaves, onion and pepper and bring to a boil again.
3. Add the haddock and the heat and simmer gently cook for about 3-4 minutes until the fish. Lift the fish enter and leave to cool on a plate until it flakes, discarding any skin and bones.
4. Preheat grill to high.
5. Beat the eggs with some seasoning.
6. The heat 23-25cm/9-10 inch stick in a medium saucepan HEAt, then add the butter and toss the coating on the bottom and sides of the pan.
7. Pour the eggs and how they set at the beginning, you can slide the back of a run on the bottom of the pan, fork, small wrinkles egg uncooked egg underneath.
8. When the tortilla is not available, but still very moist on, sprinkle with flaked smoked haddock.
9. The cream on top, sprinkle with Parmesan and place the tortillas on hot grill until lightly browned.
10. The Travel Place on a baking sheet and serve with a crisp green salad.

Ally said...

If they do in the oven with a little milk, drain and cover with cheese sauce and put bread crumbs, then on the grill to brown back

Frutticu... said...

Kedgeree --

It can be seen as how you want to be complicated, but keep things simple. Cook rice (brown or white), now simply poaching the fish in a little milk, drain and flake, through the rice mixture in the following.

Sweat a small onion and a clove of garlic in a little butter or olive oil (butter is richer), curry powder with a spoon.

Toss the lot together (with a couple of chopped boiled eggs, if you want). You can add cream or yogurt, so you make it creamy fish or little milk. With salt and plenty of black pepper.

Sprinkle with cilantro, if necessary.

Nice flat plate.

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