Pictures Of Cancer The Carb Could I Have Tongue Included...

Could I have Tongue included... - pictures of cancer the carb


It seems that I am convinced that I have cancer of the tongue.
I had this lump for about 2 weeks and went to the doctor and 2 X-rays and was sent to specialists. The trip to the doctor says it could be a tumor, but not sure. In the largest of specialists (ear, nose and throat) I wanted to do a biopsy, then he changed his mind and put me in Amoxin for 10 days and said graggle warm salt water.

I see him tomorrow and have not been better. I am also concerned that the language could be the cancer. It hurts when I swallow or yawn, but when I speak or sing.

Someone has experienced. Here's the link: ...

I think that cancer .. I am very concerned, because I am ONLand 14

I will not probably the biopsy and he fell asleep. Here are some pictures of the same

Before contacting: @ N02/27 ... @ N02/27 ...

After the drugs: @ N02/27 ... @ N02/27 ... @ N02/27 ...

If not, from the pictures and the link, sounds like tongue cancer ...

Do not smoke or drink.

Thank you very much


quijibor... said...

It's ugly, and I'm sure very boring for you. The good news is that it does not look like cancer. I doubt also contribute amoxin. You should consult a specialist (ENT or oral surgeon), and probably a biopsy. Biopsies done in the mouth are not funny, but no big deal as procedures. They have a painful mouth, where the points you want to be good after a day or two. Until the report is the hard part.

They do not know what could be. Maybe a cyst?

An oral biopsy takes only 10-15 minutes, plus time to numb your mouth. It also depends on many points, if ever, be necessary.

Good luck with that.

SS said...

Let your tongue to your special care and stop worrying about this .. .

ladyren said...

In the absence of a biopsy, then sent to a pathologist, a diagnosis is the only way, obtained by this method.

Cancers are rare in 14 years, especially the soft tissue cancers. It sounds more like a cancerous sore, especially when it suddenly exploded. And Amox. is an antibiotic, pain useless against cancer. Cold sores or herpes dunce are caused by viruses that come and go, depending on your immune system. Some people are constantly, others rarely. So my suggestion is, if not healed within two weeks, the return .... But go to another document ...

change. Her pictures are not clear and, frankly, not like a cold sore. But it seems that the cancer .... Love to see a different document.

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