Ls-angels Rate My Incomplete Lightsworn Deck?

Rate my Incomplete Lightsworn Deck? - ls-angels

So, as I said my incomplete light 'I have no more light "in my letter to the deck, I support a number of replacement cards for cards. So do not hesitate to be honest, but not a mirror image of that here it is. Price (1-10) gives suggestions and thank you in advance. ^ _ ^
Cover: 40

Monsters: 23
Lyla, LS Sorceress
Honor, LS Monk
Archenemy of Gilfer
Celestia, SS Angel
Ryko, LS Hunterx2
Garoth, LS Warriorx2
Coat Warriorx3
Gragonith, LS Dragonx3
Jain, LS Paladinx3
Wulf, LS Beastx3
Lumina LS Summonerx3

Spells: 12
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn
Lightning Vortex
Card of Safe Return
Solar Recharging
Enemy Controllerx2
Foolish Burialx2

Traps: 5
Mandatory evacuation device
A glimmer of hope
Real Decreex3

Should be Necro Warrior Shield Gardno but because I do not shrink to fill rariry is for his honesty, Gilfer archenemy of assets, isIt is also intended as honest, but complement that I'm not back, and I was uncomfortable and Lil others. So it is tell me what you think.


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