Pt Bbs Does This Sound Like A Miscarriage?

Does this sound like a miscarriage? - pt bbs

MY STORY: Okay, so I had unprotected sex, but he did (I know it's silly ...) 22. June I was very tired, even if I'm anywhere from 9-12 hours of sleep a night and a nap of 1-2 hours during the day. I've been sick, I had a headache for a few days and my bbs very bad pain. Besides all that, I got very moody and irritable and I struggling with my husband. Oh, and I was just diagnosed UTI.I Go "was neg anything but the ICU for about 2 weeks. I took the first response an hour on Sunday and PT

MY PROBLEM: woke Even today, when I had terrible cramps and I, I went into the bathroom and thought I had my period. I urinate and had a blood clot and a little brown / dark red. I have a tampon and it was my morning. About one or two hours later, had almost ceased, and since small drops bright red. He can not even completed stamp regularly every 4-6 hours, and my cramps are gone. The last time I was in my car and I was very ill and has a small survey. (Sorry)

Please help me and let me know if it was gasping for you .. I am so confused.


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